Buch Monografie

Only halfway to paradise : women in Postwar Britain : 1945-1968

Verfasst von: Wilson, Elizabeth
London New York: Tavistock Publications , 1980 , 233 S.

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Einrichtung: Bibliothek Wyborada | StGallen
Signatur: WYBO 0.3 WILS
Verfasst von: Wilson, Elizabeth
Jahr: 1980
ISBN: 0422768707
Sprache: Englisch
In the postwar Britain of the late forties and fifties and through the affluent sixties, feminism seemed dormant, perhaps even dead. A cultural atmosphere had developed which somehow excluded such ideas, and even to talk about subordination of women seemed difficult. What happened to feminism during those years? Did women feel they had won the fight for equal rights, or did they feel their protest had been stifled? How did "affluence", the "permissive society", and the radical ferment of the late sixties affect women? And how did the contemporary women`s liberation movement grow so suddenly out of the silence that went before it?
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