Buch Monografie

Butterfly burning

Verfasst von: Vera, Yvonne
Harare: Baobab Books , 1998 , 130 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Vera, Yvonne
Ausgabe: 1. publ.
Jahr: 1998
ISBN: 1779090161
Sprache: Englisch
Set in Makokoba, a black township, in the late l940s, the novel is an intensely bittersweet love story. When Fumbatha, a construction worker, meets the much younger Phephelaphi, he "wants her like the land beneath his feet from which birth had severed him." He in turn fills her "with hope larger than memory." But Phephelaphi is not satisfied with their "one-room" love alone. The qualities that drew Fumbatha to her, her sense of independence and freedom, end up separating them. And the closely woven fabric of township life, where everyone knows everyone else, has a mesh too tight and too intricate to allow her to escape her circumstances on her own.
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