Buch Monografie

Surpassing the love of men : Romantic friendship and love between women from the Renaissance to the present

Verfasst von: Fadermann [weitere]
New York: William Morrow and Company , 1981 , 495 S.
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Einrichtung: belladonna | Bremen
Signatur: B-838
Verfasst von: Fadermann; Lillian
Jahr: 1981
ISBN: 0688003966
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
Drawing on a rich variety of sources - some never before published - Lillian Faderman has constructed a fascinating cultural history of women's passionate friendships with each other. Literature - ranging from casanova and Henry James to "Ladies' Home Journal" and Adrienne Rich - trial records, love letters, pornography, and the proclamations of "experts" across the centuries vividly illustrate the changing status and patterns of romantic friendship. Faderman explores the elusive relation between female same-sex love and the continually shifting theories of female sexuality. She shows, too, how nascent feminist values have always playd a role in women's passions for each other and in men's reactions to them, from ridicule to admiration to revulsion.
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