Buch Sammelband

Not born a refugee woman : contesting identities, rethinking practices

Herausgegeben von: Hajdukowski-Ahmed, Maroussia
New York [u. a.]: Berghahn , 2008 , 323 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Hajdukowski-Ahmed, Maroussia
Schriftenreihe: Studies in forced migration
Jahr: 2008
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 1845454979
Sprache: Englisch
"Not Born a Refugee Woman" is an in-depth inquiry into the identity construction of refugee women. It challenges and rethinks current identity concepts, policies, and practices in the context of a globalizing environment, and in the increasingly racialized post-September 11th context, from the perspective of refugee women. This collection brings together scholar-practitioners from across a wide range of disciplines. The authors emphasize refugee women’s agency, resilience, and creativity, in the continuum of domestic, civil, and transnational violence and conflicts, whether in flight or in resettlement, during their uprooted journey and beyond. Through the analysis of local examples and international case studies, the authors critically examine gendered and interrelated factors such as location, humanitarian aid, race, cultural norms, and current psycho-social research that affect the identity and well being of refugee women. CONTENTS: Introduction (Maroussia Hajdukowski-Ahmed, Nazilla Khanlou and Helene Moussa * SECTION I: RECONCEPTUALIZING IDENTITIES: A Dialogical Approach to Identity: Implications for Refugee Women (Maroussia Hajdukowski-Ahmed) * The Gender Relations of Home, Security and Transversal Feminism: Refugee Women Reclaiming their Identities (Wenona Giles) * Always "Natasha": The Transnational Sex Trafficking of Women (Victor Malarek and Sarah Wayland) * Reconstituting the Subject: Feminist Politics of Humanitarian Assistance (Jennyfer Hyndman and Malathi De Alwis) * SECTION II: CHALLENGING METHODOLOGIES: CHALLENGING THE RESEARCHER: Befriending Refugee Women: Refracted Knowledge and Shifting Viewpoints (Adrienne Chambon) * "Days You Remember": Japanese Canadian Women and The Violence of Internment (Pamela Sugiman) * War, Diaspora, Learning, and Women’s Standpoint (Rachel Gorman) * Being A Writer on Women, Violence, and War (Madeleine Gagnon) * SECTION III: RETHINKING PRACTICES: CREATING SPACES FOR AGENCY: The Representation of Refugee Women in our Research and Practice (Maryann Loughry) * Refugee Youth, Gender and Identity: On the Margins of Mental Health Promotion (Nazilla Khanlou and Sepali Guruge) * Pray God and Keep Walking: Religion, Gender, Identity and Refugee Women (Elzbieta Gozdziak) * "We Want to Talk, They Give Us Pills": Identity and Mental Health of Refugee Women from Sudan (Lynda Hayward, Maroussia Hajdukowski-Ahmed, Karen Trollope and Jenny Ploeg) * SECTION IV: REVIEWING POLICY: TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE RIGHTS OF REFUGEE WOMEN: Protecting Refugee Women: UNHCR and the Gender Equity Challenge (Judith Kumin) * Social Protection of Refugee Women: Paradoxes, Tensions, and Directions (Patricia M. Daenzer) * The Gender Factor in Refugee Determination and the Effect of "Gender Guidelines" (Geradline Sadoway) * Pursuing National Responsibility in a Post 9/11 World: Seeking Asylum in Canada From Gender Persecution (Sherene Razack and Carmela Murdocca)
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