Buch Monografie

Syrian women refugees : personal accounts of transition

Verfasst von: Ezer, Özlem
Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers , [2019] , 177 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Ezer, Özlem
Jahr: [2019]
ISBN: 1476675856
Sprache: Englisch
Based on original interviews, this book relates the experiences of nine Syrian women refugees and their perspectives on a range of subjects. Each narrative reveals a displaced woman's concept of the self in relation to memory, history, trauma and reconciliation within familial, international and cultural contexts. Their life stories contribute to building bonds and promoting trust between locals and "strangers" who are often defined only by their status as refugees, and serve as a timely reminder that we too can become refugees through a sudden turn of events.
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