Buch Monografie

Our work is everywhere : an illustrated oral history of queer & trans resistance

Verfasst von: Rose, Syan
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press , 2021 , 91 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Rose, Syan
Mitwirkende: Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi [VerfasserIn eines Geleitwortes]
Jahr: 2021
Maße: 31 cm
ISBN: 1551528150
Sprache: Englisch
Over the past ten years, we have witnessed the rise of queer and trans communities that have defied and challenged those who have historically opposed them. Through bold, symbolic imagery and surrealist, overlapping landscapes, queer illustrator and curator Syan Rose shines a light on the faces and voices of these diverse, amorphous, messy, real and imagined queer and trans communities. In their own words, queer and trans organizers, artists, healers, comrades, and leaders speak honestly and authentically about their own experiences with power, love, pain, and magic to create a textured and nuanced portrait of queer and trans realities in America. The many themes include Black femme mental health, Pacific Islander authorship, fat queer performance art, disability and healthcare practice, sex worker activism, and much more. Accompanying the narratives are Rose’s startling and sinuous images that brings these leaders’ words to visual life. Our Work Is Everywhere is a graphic nonfiction book that underscores the brilliance and passion of queer and trans resistance.
*** Foreword by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha *** Introduction by Syan Rose *** Crying cuz the wind blew by Raven Taylor *** Our own divinity by Dusty Lamay *** Reclaiming & revolting bodies: Fat :The play by Caleb Luna and Nicole Arteaga *** We are all elders by Vivi Veronica *** The national come home by Ceyenne Doroshow and Cyd Nova *** Queer Muslim family by Mirna Haidar *** Everything you love about New Orleans is because of Black people by Phlegm *** The wild hunt ride by Amber Kim *** -ita by Steph Niaupari *** Auriga/Becoming real by Jaye Sablan *** We give money to trans people by The founding members of Trans Assistance Project (TAP) *** Martial arts is the most fluent Asian language I speak by Anabel Khoo and Sze-Yang Ade-Lam *** People's medicine by Geleni Fontaine *** A praisesong for sick blk wimmin by Ra Malika Imhotep *** A poem for my Ama after a year of her passing by Nube F. Cruz *** To those who keep showing up : Mutual aid organizing in rural space & place by Brenda Angelica Gutiérrez Mora ***
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