Buch Monografie

Pakistan Desires : Queer Futures Elsewhere

Herausgegeben von: Kasmani, Omar
Durham: Duke University Press , 2023 , 274 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Kasmani, Omar
Jahr: 2023
ISBN: 1478025239
Sprache: Englisch
Drawing on history, anthropology, literature, law, art, film, and performance studies, the contributors to Pakistan Desires invite reflection on what meanings adhere to queerness in Pakistan. They illustrate how amid conditions of straightness, desire can serve as a mode of queer future-making. Among other topics, the contributors analyze gender transgressive performances in Pakistani film, piety in the transgender rights movement, the use of Grindr among men, the exploration of homoerotic subject matter in contemporary Pakistani artist Anwar Saeed's work, and the story of a sixteenth-century Sufi saint who fell in love with a Brahmin boy. From Kashmir to the 1947 Partition to the resonances of South Asian gay subjectivity in the diaspora, the contributors attend to narrative and epistemological possibilities for queer lives and loves. By embracing forms of desire elsewhere, ones that cannot correlate to or often fall outside dominant Western theorizations of queerness, this volume gathers other ways of being queer in the world. Introduction: *stan By: Omar Kasmani *** Of Girls, Desire, and Sacred Things By: Syeda Momina Masood *** Loving Men, Loving God By: Shayan Rajani *** Fixed Possibilities: The Threat of Transmasculinity in the Urdu Tale of Agar By: Pasha M. Khan *** Spaces of Critique, Spaces of Desire: Gender-Crossing in Pakistani Cinema By: Gwendolyn S. Kirk *** Partitioned Listening: Sonic Exercises Outside of Archival Time By: Syma Tariq *** Miraji’s Poetics for Queering History By: Geeta Patel *** This Is Home after All By: Nael Quraishi *** After Heather Love, and Others By: Asad Alvi *** Temporal Nonconformity: Being There Together as Khwajasara in a Time of One’s Own By: Vanja Hamzić *** On the Other Side of the Rainbow? Khwaja Sira Pieties, Politics, Performances, and the Tablighi Jama‘at By: Claire Pamment *** A Queer History of Pakistani Art: Anwar Saeed and Other Ways of Love By: Abdullah Qureshi *** Beyond Hooking Up: Tales from Grindr in Pakistan By: Ahmed Afzal *** How I Like It By: Nida Mehboob *** Queer Desi Formations: Marking the Boundaries of Cultural Belonging in Chicago By: Gayatri Reddy *** Queer in a Time of Kashmir By: Jeffrey A. Redding *** Afterword. Everywhere Mehfil By: Anjali Arondekar
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