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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Heumann, Silke; Antillón, Camilo
Schriftenreihe: Routledge ISS gender, sexuality and development studies
Jahr: 2024
ISBN: 1138342963
Sprache: Englisch
This book addresses the intersections of gender, sexuality and social justice in relation to dominant development and policy discourses and interventions. Bringing together young scholars from Latin America, Africa and Asia, the book challenges dominant assumptions on sexuality in development discourse, policy and practice and proposes alternative approaches. Reflecting on both the ‘global north’ and the ‘global south’, this book investigates key social justice issues, from teenage pregnancy, child marriage discourses, sexual empowerment, to sexual diversity, female imprisonment and sexuality, militarism and sexuality, anti-trafficking policies and processes of racialization and othering in the context of migration. Overall, the book challenges binary constructs and argues for an intersectional perspective on gender and sexual diversity as a problem of structural inequality that interacts with other systems of inequality, based on race, age, class and geopolitics. *** Table of Contents *** Mapping the intersections of gender, sexuality, ‘race’ and social justice in development and policy discourses By: Silke Heumann *** Understanding incarceration and spousal/partner relationships: an exploration of female imprisonment and its effects on family relations in Zimbabwe By: Rotina Mafume Musara and Hellen Venganai *** Colombian women and US servicemen: encounters and experiences from Melgar By: Natalia Lozano Arévalo *** Salir adelante: the intersections of teenage pregnancy as experienced in the city of Monterrey, Mexico By: Brenda Rodríguez Cortés *** Women’s sexual rights and empowerment beyond the liberal paradigm: understanding sexuality and power relations from the life experiences of young women By: Ana Victoria Portocarrero Lacayo *** Examining power/knowledge in the contestations of medical male circumcision in Zimbabwe By: Hellen Venganai *** Silences and misrepresentations in the international child marriage discourse: a double reading of Girls Not Brides By: Belén Giaquinta *** Bending the private-public gender norms: schooling experiences of young mothers from low-income households in Kenya By: Alice Nelima Wekesa *** Politics of identities: problematics of categories, labels and languages in LGBTQI+ movement in Bangladesh By: Shuchi Karim *** Narratives of being and belonging from the perspectives of young Dutch-Muslims in the Netherlands By: Mahardhika Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad *** Men, migration and masculinities: an intersectional analysis of Bangladeshi migrant men in The Hague, the Netherlands By: Mohammad Ibrahim Khalad *** Migration, sex work and exploitative labor conditions: experiences of Nigerian women in the sex industry in Turin, Italy, and counter-trafficking measures By: Eneze Modupe-Oluwa Baye and Silke Heumann
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