
P2P Fightsharing III; PRECARITY;

Herausgegeben von: Precarias A La Deriva [weitere]
Niederlande<NZ>Italien<NZ>Frankreich<NZ>Spanien<NZ>Südkorea<NZ>USA<NZ>Argentinien<NZ>Japan: Creative Commone Licens; P2P Fightsharing Crew ; Greenpaper Project; Candida; PreCog and Zoecat; Chain workers crew; Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike , 2004

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Einrichtung: Spinnboden | Berlin
Signatur: V 490
Formatangabe: Amateurinnenfilm<NZ>Dokumentarfilm<NZ>Kurzfilm<NZ>Spielfilm
Herausgegeben von: Precarias A La Deriva; McStrike; Chainworkers; Naomie Klein & Avi Lewis; Adbusters Japan; Michael Moore; Korea Telecom Workers; Yomango; Saint Precarious; MDay Milan; MayDay Barcelona; Clean Clothes Campaign; Contrato Basura
Jahr: 2004
Spieldauer: 109min
Sprache: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Niederländisch
This DVD intends to connect different networks of precarious workers across the continents. It's a toolbox to invetstigate about the increasing precarization of existence. Precarity literally means forces to beg and pray to keep one's job. It is exclusion of whole generations and soon the rest of society from social rights. We are the precariat. We are hireable on demand, available on call, expplotable at will, and firable at whim. We have become skillful jugglers of jobs and contorsionists of flexibility. We are agitating with a common strategie to share fights. This is a compilation of 17 videos.
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Zugänglichkeit: rolligerechter Fahrstuhl und Rampe vorhanden

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