Buch Monografie

Women and the teaching profession : exploring the feminisation debate

Verfasst von: Kelleher, Fatimah
London: Commonwealth Secretariat , 2011 , 242 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Kelleher, Fatimah
Jahr: 2011
Maße: 30 cm
Sprache: Englisch
Die Debatte über Frauen im Lehrberuf - warum der Lehrberuf frauendominiert ist, die Auswirkungen dessen auf die Lernprozesse und die Erziehung der Jugendlichen, die Konsequenzen auf weibliches Empowerment in der Gesellschaft - konzentriert sich vorwiegend auf westliche Länder wie Großbritannien, Australien und Kanada, wo Frauen eine signifikante Mehrheit in der LehrerInnnenschaft darstellen. Diese Studie untersucht, inwieweit die Debatte zur Feminisierung des Lehrberufs in Entwicklungsländern Relevanz hat. Basierend aus Untersuchungen zu Dominica, Lesotho, Samao, Sri Lanka und Indien, wird die Rolle von Lehrerinnen im expandierenden Bildungssystem und die damit zusammenhängende Gleichberechtigungsdebatte analysiert. Contents: PART ONE: MULTI-COUNTRY ANALYSIS 1. Introduction and Background: Definitions and overview * Women, teaching and the feminisation debate within the context of the education Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education for All (EFA) * Women, teaching and the feminisation debate within the context of broader gender equality * Scope, methodology and how the report is structured 2. Reviewing the Literature: ‘Feminisation’: layered understandings and focuses of research * Teaching and the employment of women: historical patterns and trends * Perspectives of teaching as a gendered profession Perspectives on the consequences of feminisation * Feminisation of teaching through a broader gender equality lens 3. Statistical Trends in Selected Countries: Background to the countries * Access to education* Varying trends in teacher feminisation – national and sub-national patterns in female representation * Summary and conclusions 4. Debating the Trends and Issues: Exploring the key issues * Conclusions, recommendations and further research PART TWO: COUNTRY REPORTS 5. Dominica: The Commonwealth of Dominica – background * Education in Dominica * Male and female teachers in Dominica * Educational outcomes * Dominica, women in teaching, and gender equality * Qualitative and quantitative research at the school level * Discussion and implications * Recommendations 6. Lesotho: Introduction and background * Situational analysis on the feminisation of the teaching profession * The field research * Findings, conclusions and discussions Recommendations 7. India: Overview – women in the teaching profession in India * The policy framework which impacts female teacher recruitment* Case study of Kerala – teaching profession feminised * Case study of Rajasthan – low levels of female teachers * Female teachers and their impacts on school quality and on gender and social equity 8. Samoa: Introduction * Education in Samoa * Feminisation of teaching in Samoa: a statistical overview * Possible factors responsible for transforming teaching into ‘women’s work’ * Implications and assumptions * Conclusions and recommendations 9. Sri Lanka: Background: the status of women in Sri Lanka * The education system * Feminisation of the teaching profession in Sri Lanka: analysis of trends and patterns * Factors for the transformation of teaching into ‘women’s work’ * Discussion and conclusions: the feminisation of teaching and its relevance to gender dynamics in Sri Lankan society
Literaturverz. S. 234 - 242
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