Weitere Informationen
Einrichtung: | Kvinnsam | Göteborg |
Verfasst von: | Topper, Kathryn, |
Jahr: | 2012 |
Maße: | 27 cm |
ISBN: | 1107011027 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Beschreibung: | |
"This book offers a new interpretation of sympotic scenes in sixth- and fifth-century BC Athenian vase painting. Through these images, the book explores what it meant to be a Greek community and how Athenians thought about past and present"-- Provided by publisher. | |
Anmerkung: | |
Based on the author's thesis (doctoral--Harvard University, 2007) under title: Symposium and its past in Athenian vase painting, ca. 530--450 B.C. | |
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