
Reappraising China’s one-child family policy : do girls and women suffer or benefit?

Verfasst von: Lee, Yuen Ting
in: Asian journal of women's studies
2013 , Heft: 4 , 7 - 37 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Lee, Yuen Ting
In: Asian journal of women's studies
Jahr: 2013
Heft: 4
Sprache: Englisch
Earlier studies on China’s one-child family policy have emphasized the suffering of girls and women excessively, referring to it as the dark side of the coin. However, this article presents an alternative perspective on the policy through critical analyses of China’s official documents, contemporary media reports, and other literature. By presenting the historical flow and social development of the policy, it concludes by identifying five major conflicts that have ensued as a result of the policy. The first is between the protection of women’s rights by law and discrimination against women by law. The second is between the old idea of son preference and the new idea of no preference. The third is between the good upbringing of only children and their being spoilt. The fourth conflict is between the idea that reproduction endangers women’s health and reproduction improves their health. The final one is between good career prospects for women and bad ones.
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