Buch Monografie

The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed On Women : Exploding the Estrogen Myth

Verfasst von: Seaman, Barbara
New York: Hyperion , 2003 , 332 S.

Weitere Informationen

Einrichtung: belladonna | Bremen
Signatur: B-6971
Verfasst von: Seaman, Barbara
Jahr: 2003
Provenienz: Eva Schindele
ISBN: 0786868538
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
PART 1: How did all this happen?\[W9]\\[W9]\p.1: Introduction 1: Smart Doctors, Foolisch Forecasts\[W9]\p.7: 1. On the Path to Premarin\[W9]\p.17: 2. Fountain of Youth or Golden Fleece?\[W9]\p.47: 3. How has Premarin Fared in the United Stated and Who Was Robert Wilson?\[W9]\p.61: 4. A Daring Program to Keep Women Young\[W9]\p.73: 5. Crazy People in America\[W9]\p.85: 6. Censorship, Class-Action Lawsuits, and Dangerous Off-Label Prescription Drugs\[W9]\p.109: 7. Madeline Gray. When Nature Throws the Book at the Menopausal Woman\[W9]\p.118: 8. Poison by Prescription\[W9]\p.129: 9. Ladies' Night Out\[W9]\p.137: 10. If the Truth Be Told\[W9]\p.143: 11Alice Keeps Busy and the FDA Comes Through\[W9]\\[W9]\ PART II: What do we know now?\[W9]\\[W9]\p.155: Introduction II: Between a Rock and a hard Place\[W9]\p.161: 12.Getting the the Heart oft he Matter: Estrogen, Heart Disease, and the Triumph of Suggestion over Science\[W9]\p.169: Health in the Balance: understanding Bones, Bone Loss, and New Methods of Osteoporis Prevention and Treatment\[W9]\p.190: Losing Our Minds to Hormones: The Premature Prescribing of Estrogen for Alzheimer's Disease\[W9]\p.210: 15. And Bear in Mind … Swimming in the Sea of Estrogenes\[W9]\p.223: Appendix: Over the Menopausal Rainbow\[W9]\\[W9]\p.279: Notes\[W9]\p.321: Index
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