
Equality of Rainbow Families : Need for action and solution approaches in Germany as well as insights from other European countries

Verfasst von: Lange, Katrin

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Einrichtung: GenderOpen
Link: Volltext
Verfasst von: Lange, Katrin
Jahr: 2022
Sprache: Englisch
In recent years, rainbow families have become more prevalent as diverse family forms in Germany as well as in Europe. Nevertheless, there is still a need for political and legal action to advance equality. The Working Paper highlights the need for change and solution approaches and provides insights into the regulations of European countries. This Working Paper deals, among other things, with legal and social parenthood, also, for example, multiple parents, the use of assisted reproduction and its legal consequences for parenthood, and the need to address, redress and compensate for past injustices that made parenthood difficult, if not impossible.
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