
Regulation and provision of abortion compared (abridged version)

Verfasst von: Lux, Julia [weitere]
2023-12 , Heft: 25

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Einrichtung: GenderOpen | Digital
Link: Volltext
Verfasst von: Lux, Julia; Molter, Sarah; Lange, Katrin; Sprang, Friederike
Jahr: 2023-12
Heft: 25
Sprache: Englisch
Being able to terminate a pregnancy is a prerequisite for bodily self-determination and thus fundamental to gender equality. This Working Paper compares regulations, coverage of costs, and provision as well as data on abortions in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Spain. It contrasts existing regulations and practices with the recommendations of the World Health Organisation, human rights standards of reproductive and sexual rights, and the concept of reproductive justice. All five EU Member States should improve their regulation and provision of abortions, to effectively guarantee the rights and health of pregnant persons.
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