Buch Monografie

Women and prostitution

Kampala: 1997 , 60 S.

Weitere Informationen

Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Schriftenreihe: Arise
Jahr: 1997
Sprache: Englisch
Interview with Flower Mirembe, a sex worker in Uganda; "Prostitution should not be legalised but stop being an offence" - Interview with Prof. Kagonyera, a member of Parliament; University Don speaks about prostitution (Interview with Dr. Kigongo, a senior lecturer of philosophy at Makerere University); Is selling one's body a survival strategy? (Kakuru Gloria); Prostitution as a gender issue (Josephine Ahikire); A pervasive form of human rights violation (Stella Arukundo); Men are responsible too (Moses Mwangu); The dark side of prostitution (Christine Ampaire); Prostitution: The modern way of making a living? (Rosemary Nakafeero); A prostitute ministry? (Margaret Musungu); The sex worker who gave it up (Mary Busingye); Should feminists support sex workers in their struggle for better working conditions (Beatrice Mugambe); It takes two to tango (Mary Okurut)
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