Buch Monografie

Herstory : migration stories of African women in Ireland

Herausgegeben von: Akinjobi, Olutoyin Pamela
Dublin: AkiDwA , 2006 , 160 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Akinjobi, Olutoyin Pamela
Jahr: 2006
Maße: 19 cm
Sprache: Englisch
For a lot of women who seek refuge in other countries, it is often a personal and emotional struggle. Their stories and circumstances are different but they are all linked by one thing - leaving their countries, homes and often their families because of fear of persecution. From Cameroon to Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Zambia and other African countries, come these true-life experiences. The aim of the book is to educate, inform and enlighten on migration stories of African women.
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