Archivgut Nachlass

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in: Nachlass Jaeckel, Monika
Athen: 1995 - 1999 , Mappe (284 Bl.)

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Einrichtung: FFBIZ-Archiv | Berlin
In: Nachlass Jaeckel, Monika
Bestell-Signatur: B Rep. 500 Acc. 950 Monika Jaeckel - 73
Jahr: 1995 - 1999
Sprache: Englisch
"Green Paper on Adult Education in a Era of Lifelong Learning: A Response from the new strand of Employment"
"Into the Future. A Forum for Women in Action"
"Response to Green Paper on Adult Education in an Era of Life-Long Learning" C.W.E.I
"Presentation to Transnational Conference"
"Medicine in your Backyard"

3 Briefblöcke mit handschriftlichen Notizen
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