Buch Monografie

Radical reproductive justice : foundations, theory, practice, critique

Verfasst von: Ross, Loretta J. [weitere]
New York: Feminist Press , 2017 , 455 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Ross, Loretta J.; Roberts, Lynn; Derkas, Erika; Peoples, Whitney; Bridgewater Toure, Pamela
Jahr: 2017
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 1558614370
Sprache: Englisch
This anthology assembles two decades of work initiated by "SisterSong Women of Color Health Collective", creators of the human rights–based “reproductive justice” framework to move beyond polarized pro-choice/pro-life debates. Rooted in Black feminism and built on intersecting identities, this framework asserts a woman’s right to have children, to not have children, and to parent and provide for the children they have. Issues such as civic engagement, eugenics, Indigenous rights, environmental racism, mass incarcaration, and welfare reform are addressed.
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