Buch Monografie

New initiatives in organizing strategy in the informal economy : case study of domestic workers' organizing

Verfasst von: Gothoskar, Sujata
Bangkok: Committee for Asian Women , 2005 , 76 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Link: Volltext
Verfasst von: Gothoskar, Sujata
Jahr: 2005
Sprache: Englisch
Content: 1. Introduction: Strands in the Domestic Labour debate; 2. General scenario of women workers in the context of globalization; 3. Situation of women domestic workers in India; Organizations working with Domestic Workers - a brief sketch; Pune Shahar Molkarin Sanghatana (Pune City Domestic Workers' Organization ); Strategies of the Pune Shahar Molkarin Sanghatana; Some conclustions, some glimpses in the future
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