Buch Monografie

The Feminist Challenge

Verfasst von: Bouchier, David
New York: Schocken Books , 1984 , 252 S.

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Einrichtung: belladonna | Bremen
Signatur: B-529
Verfasst von: Bouchier, David
Jahr: 1984
ISBN: 0805238816
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
Feminism as a social and political movement made a dramatic resurgence in the 1960s after more than three decades of silence the Feminist Challenge explains the origins of the new movement, traces its subsequent development in Britain and United States and speculates on the new directions which feminism may take in the 1980s. The core of the book is a detailed year-by-year account of the women's movement from 1966 to 1983, its theories, organisations, campaigns. An analysis of the enemies of feminism and reasons hostility toward the movement are included.Throughout the book the author compares the liberal reformist feminism of the United States, with its conventional forms of political organization, with the smaller, more revolutionary groups characteristic of British feminism.
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