Buch Monografie

Gender inclusive : essays on violence, men, and feminist international relations

Verfasst von: Jones, Adam
London [u. a.]: Routledge , 2011 , 313 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Jones, Adam
Schriftenreihe: Routledge advances in international relations and global politics
Ausgabe: 1. publ. 2009
Jahr: 2011
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 0415666090
Sprache: Deutsch
Compiling essays and excerpts drawn from nearly two decades of Adam Jones’s writing on gender and politics, this collection of essays explores vital issues surrounding ‘gendercide’ (gender-selective mass killing) including: how gender shapes men and women as victims and perpetrators of mass violence, including genocide; the range of gender-selective atrocities inflicted upon males, especially the gendercidal killing of civilian men of "battle age;" the victimization of women and girls worldwide, including the structural forms of violence ("gendercidal institutions") directed against them; genocidal violence throughout modern history, with a particular focus on the Balkans and Rwanda; in-depth critiques of prevailing gender framings in academic scholarship, mass media, and the policy sphere. Adam Jones contests prevailing interpretations of gender and violence, arguing that they fail to capture the broad range of gendered experience.
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