Buch Monografie

Women suicide bombers : narratives of violence

Verfasst von: Rajan, V. G. Julie
London: Routledge , 2012 , 384 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Rajan, V. G. Julie
Schriftenreihe: Critical terrorism studies
Ausgabe: 1. issued in paperback 2012
Jahr: 2012
Maße: 25 cm
ISBN: 0415552257
Sprache: Englisch
This book offers an evaluation of female suicide bombers through postcolonial, Third World, feminist, and human-rights framework, drawing on case studies from conflicts in Palestine, Sri Lanka, and Chechnya, among others. Women Suicide Bombers explores why cultural, media and political reports from various geographies present different information about and portraits of the same women suicide bombers. The majority of Western media and sovereign states engaged in wars against groups deploying bombings tend to focus on women bombers' abnormal mental conditions; their physicality - for example, their painted fingernails or their beautiful eyes; their sexualities; and the various ways in which they have been victimized by their backward Third World cultures, especially by "Islam." In contrast, propaganda produced by rebel groups deploying women bombers, cultures supporting those campaigns, and governments of those nations at war with sovereign states and Western nations tend to project women bombers as mythical heroes, in ways that supersedes the martyrdom operations of male bombers.
1. publ. 2011
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