Buch Monografie

African literature : gender discourse, religious values, and the African worldview

Verfasst von: Salami-Boukari, Safoura
New York, NY [u. a.]: African Heritage Press , 2012 , 243 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Salami-Boukari, Safoura
Jahr: 2012
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 0979085853
Sprache: Deutsch
Why do readers from different parts of the world read, interpret, or understand foreign literatures the way they do? What drives peculiar critical reactions, canon formations and such issues which determine the survival of cultural productions or their continued adoption as useful bolsters for a people's self-definition or indeed self-preservation and self-determination? "African Literature: Gender Discourse, Religious Values, and the African Worldview" offers a series of fresh insights into most of the old "problematics" which used to sustain the interpretations of African literature, especially by women. Students, scholars, and general readers wishing to consider issues of gender in relation to African cultural and socioeconomic systems and what Salami-Boukari interrogates and names as an "African worldview," will find the interdisciplinary discussion of historical analyses, literary criticism and gender discourses a useful method for engaging contemporary African perspectives. About Obinkaram Echewa (The Land's Lord), Flora Nwapa (Efuru ), Mariama Ba (So Long a Letter), Leila Abouzeid etc.
Literaturverz. S. 229 - 238
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