
Gender-based violence : comes at high social and economic cost

Verfasst von: Cruz, Adrienne
in: World of work
2011 , Heft: 72 , 33 -35 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Cruz, Adrienne
In: World of work
Jahr: 2011
Heft: 72
Sprache: Englisch
Gender-based violence negatively impacts the world of work. It is described by many as the most prevalent human rights violation in the world, with at least one in three women globally estimated to have been coerced itno sex, physically beaten, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. ILO Online spoke with Adrienne Cruz, co-author of a new ILO publication on the issue, about the social and economic cost of such violence in the world of work.
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