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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Ekine, Sokari; Abbas, Hakima
Jahr: 2013
ISBN: 0857490990
Sprache: Englisch
As increasing homophobia and transphobia across Africa threatens to silence the voices of African Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people, the Queer African Reader brings together a collection of writings, analysis and artistic works that engage with the struggle for LGBTI liberation and inform sexual orientation and gender variance. The book aims to engage a primarily African audience and focuses on intersectionality while including experiences from a variety of contexts including rural communities, from exile, from conflict and post-conflict situations as well as diverse religious and cultural contexts. Contributions from across the continent explore issues such as identity, tactics for activism, international solidarity, homophobia and global politics, intersections with the broader social justice movement in Africa, the feminist movement and LGBTI rights, religion and culture, reconciling the personal with the political. Contents: 1 An essay - David Kato Kisule 2 'In sisterhood and solidarity': queering African feminist spaces - Awino Okech 3 Postcolonial discourses of queer activism and class in Africa - Lyn Ossome 4 Disability and desire: journey of a film-maker – life story - Shelley Barry 5 African LGBTI manifesto/declaration 6 'Proudly African & Transgender' – collaborative portraits and stories with trans and intersex activists - Gabrielle Le Roux 7 The vampire bite that brought me to life – fiction - Nancy Lylac Warinda 8 Contesting narratives of queer Africa - Sokari Ekine 9 African statement in response to British government on aid conditionality 10 Straight to the matter – fiction - Olumide Popoola 11 The face I love: Zanele Muholi’s ‘Faces and Phases’ - Raél Jero Salley 12 Caster runs for me - Ola Osaze 13 Transsexuals’ nightmare: activism or subjugation? - Audrey Mbugua 14 The media, the tabloid and the Uganda homophobia spectacle - Kenne Mwikya 15 The single story of ‘African homophobia’ is dangerous for LGBTI activism - Sibongile Ndashe 16 Telling stories – fiction Happy - Mwende Kinyili 17 ‘Faces and Phases’ - Zanele Muholi 18 Twice removed: African invisibility in Western queer theory - Douglas Clarke 19 NGOs and queer women’s activism in Nairobi - Kaitlin Dearham 20 The struggle for intersex rights in Africa - Julius Kaggwa 21 African statement on sexual orientation and gender identify 22 Queerying borders: an Afrikan activist perspective - Bernedette Muthien 23 LGBTI-Queer struggles like other struggles in Africa - Gathoni Blessol 24 Small axe at the crossroads: a reflection on African sexualities and human rights – life story - Kagendo Murungi 25 Nature ain’t rigid – poem - Mia Nikasimo 26 On the paradoxical logic of intersections: a mathematical reading of the reality of homosexuality in Africa - Charles Gueboguo 27 Mounting homophobic violence in Senegal - Mouhamadou Tidiane Kassé 28 Queer Kenya in law and policy - Keguro Macharia 29 Nhorondo – mawazo yetu: tracing life back: our reflections – life story - Zandile Makahamadze and Kagendo Murungi 30 Tell the sun not to shine – fiction - Diriye Osman 31 What’s in a letter? - Valerie Mason-John 32 Does the label fit? - Liesl Theron 33 Human Rights and Legal Implications of the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Bill, 2011 for Every Nigerian Citizen 34 Deconstructing violence towards black lesbians in South Africa - Zethu Matebeni 35 Zanele Muholi’s intimate archive: photography and post-apartheid lesbian lives - Kylie Thomas 36 The portrait – fiction - Pamella Dlungwana 37 Seeing beyond colonial binaries: unpacking Malawi’s homosexuality discourse - Jessie Kabwila 38 The Movement Building Boot Camp for Queer East African Activists: an experiment in revolutionary love - Jessica Horn 39 The most fabulous place on earth – poem - A poem in many voices 40 Crimson waves – fiction - Hakima Abbas 41 African conversatons on gender identity and ICD classifications 42 Remember me when I’m gone - Busisiwe Sigasa
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