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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Colfer, Carol J. Pierce; Basnett, Bimbika Sijapati; Elias, Marlène
Schriftenreihe: The Earthscan forest library
Jahr: 2016
ISBN: 1138955035
Sprache: Englisch
This book brings together the work of gender and forestry specialists from various backgrounds and fields of research and action to analyse global gender conditions as related to forests. Using a variety of methods and approaches, they build on a spectrum of theoretical perspectives to bring depth and breadth to the relevant issues and address timely and under-studied themes. Focusing particularly on tropical forests, the book presents both local case studies and global comparative studies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as well as the US and Europe. The studies range from personal histories of elderly American women’s attitudes toward conservation, to a combined qualitative / quantitative international comparative study on REDD+, to a longitudinal examination of oil palm and gender roles over time in Kalimantan. Issues are examined across scales, from the household to the nation state and the global arena; and reach back to the past to inform present and future considerations. PART 1 -Introduction: 1. A Gender Box Analysis of Forest Management and Conservation - Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Marlène Elias and Bimbika Sijapati Basnett 2. Gender and the Roots of Community Forestry Marilyn Hoskins * PART 2 - Gender and Climate Change: 3. Living - Conservation Values: Women and Conservation Easement Protection in Central New York - Virginia Kennedy 4. The Forest Kingdom and Values: Climate Change and Gender Equality in a Contested Forest Policy Context - Sara Holmgren and Seema Arora-Jonsson 5. Gender Gaps in REDD+: Women’s Participation is Not Enough - Anne M. Larson, T. Dokken, Amy E. Duchelle, Stibniati Atmadja, I.A.P. Resosudarmo, Peter Cronkleton, M. Cromberg, William Sunderlin, A. Awono and G. Selaya 6. Forest Conservation in Central and West Africa: Opportunities and Risks for Gender Equity - Helen Harris-Fry and Carlos Grijalva-Eternod 7. Gender and Forest Decentralization in Cameroon: What Challenges for Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change? - Anne-Marie Tiani, Mekou Youssoufa Bele, Richard Sufo, Eugene Chia and Alba Saray Perez Teran 8. Gender and Vulnerability to Multiple Stressors, including Climate Change, in Rural South Africa - Sheona Shackleton, Leigh Cobban 9. Unveiling the Complexity of Gender and Adaptation: Feminization of Forest and Drought-Induced Men’s Migration in Mali - Houria Djoudi and Maria Brockhaus * PART 3 - Gender and Tenure: 10. Women and Tenure in Liberia and Cameroon - Solange Bandiaky-Badji, Cecile Ndjebet, Julie T.B. Weah, and Jonah Meyers 11. Gender Dynamics in Odisha’s Forest Rights Act - Priyanka Bhalla 12. Tenure vs. Territory: Black Women’s Struggles in the Pacific Lowlands of Colombia - Kiran Asher * PART 4 - Gender and Value Chains: 13. Gender and Forest, Tree and Agroforestry Value Chains: Evidence from Literature - Verina Ingram, Merel Haverhals, Sjoerd Petersen, Marlène Elias, Bimbika Sijapati Basnett and Sola Phosiso 14. Untamed and Rare: Access and Power in DRC’s Emerging Luxury Bushmeat Trade - Gina LaCerva * PART 5 - Longstanding and Emerging Gendered Issues: 15. Gendered Knowledge Sharing and Management of Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) in Central-West Burkina Faso - Marlène Elias 16. Gender, Migration and Forest Governance: Re-Thinking Community Forestry Policies in Nepal - Bimbika Sijapati Basnett 17. Revisiting Gender and Forestry in Long Segar, East Kalimantan, Indonesia: Oil Palm and Divided Aspirations - Rebecca Elmhirst, Mia Siscawati and Carol J. Pierce Colfer * PART 6: Conclusion: Looking Forward in Gender and Forestry Research and Praxis - Marlène Elias, Bimbika Sijapati Basnett and Carol J. Pierce Colfer
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