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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Nicole, Raijeli
Schriftenreihe: Women in action
Jahr: 2006
Sprache: Englisch
Contents: The Search for Alternative Regionalism in Southeast Asia (Jenina Joy Chavez) * Moving from Impunity to Accountability (Rebecca D.E. Lozada) * Burmas choice, ASEANs dilemma: Disciplined Democracy vs. Diversity in Democracy (Khin Ohmar) * ASEAN Emergency Rice Reserve: Current Developments and Prospects for Engagement (Elenita Daño) * Debbie Stothard on Identity, Citizenship and Media (Raijeli Nicole) * William Gois speaks on Asian films and ASEAN feats (Aileen Familara) * Is the ASEAN environment for information technology (IT) conducive to creating wealth for people in the region? (Raijeli Nicole, Lalen de Vela) * Asian Freedom Film Festival 2006 (Aileen Familara) * If I were an ASEAN woman... (Sylvia Estrada-Claudio) * Political Space for Advocacy in the South East Asian Region (South East Asian Committee for Advocacy) * The Multiple Faces of the Civil Society in Southeast Asia (Isis International-Manila) * Civil Society Commitment and Call to Action
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Frauen*solidarität feministisch-entwicklungspolitische Informations- und Bildungsarbeit

Sensengasse 3
A-1090 Wien
Telefon: +43 (1)317 40 20-0
Mo & Di 09.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Mi & Do 09.00 - 19.00 Uhr
Fr 09.00 - 14.00 Uhr

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