Buch Monografie

Always Anastacia : a transgender life in South Africa

Verfasst von: Tomson, Anastacia
Johannesburg ; Cape Town: Jonathan Ball Publishers , 2016 , 206 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Tomson, Anastacia
Jahr: 2016
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 1868427137
Sprache: Englisch
Born into a Jewish family in Johannesburg and raised by her parents as a boy, Anastacia Tomson was never sure just how much of her persistent internal discomfort to blame on an often troubled family life. She qualified and practised as a doctor, but it would take a great deal more clear-sighted and difficult questioning to finally find peace and self-acceptance, as a woman. This memoir is a clarion call for a more nuanced understanding of trans people and the concepts of sex, gender and identity.
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