Buch Monografie

Research on gender and sexualities in Africa

Verfasst von: Bennett, Jane [weitere]
Dakar, Senegal: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa , [2017] , 211 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Bennett, Jane; Tamale, Sylvia
Schriftenreihe: CODESRIA book series
Jahr: [2017]
ISBN: 286978712X
Sprache: Englisch
This collection comprises a diverse and stimulating collection of essays on questions of gender and sexualities. It includes fascinating insights into topics as varied as the popularity of thong underwear in urban Kenya, the complexity of Tanzanian youth’s negotiation of HIV-cultures, the dialogues between religion and controversial questions in sexualities activism, and the meaning of living as a Zimbabwean girl, who became HIV-positive because her mother had no access to antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy. Some pieces deepen contemporary debates, others initiate new questions. The collection seeks to sustain and invigorate research, policy-making and continentaly-focused thought on difficult, yet compelling, realities. Contents: 1. ‘Fashionable Strategies’: Travels in Gender and Sexuality Studies - Jane Bennett. * 2. Exploring the Contours of African Sexualities: Religion, Law and Power - Sylvia Tamale * 3. The Power of Pleasure: Re-conceptualising Sexualities - Signe Arnfred * 4. Rethinking ‘Sex’ and Secrecy in Precolonial African History: A Focus on Kenya - Babere Kerata Chacha * 5. The ‘G-String’ as a Space for Sexual and Political Imagination: Rethinking Discourses of Youth, Power and Globalisation in Kenya - Valerie Opiyo * 6. ‘Daddy, Today we have a Match!’ Women’s Agentic Strategies in Initiating Sexual Intercourse in an Urban Ghanaian Community Daniel Yaw Fiaveh * 7. Construction of Social Identity in the Erotic Juju Song-poetry of Saint Janet - Adebayo Mosobalaje * 8. Language, Sex and Power Relations: An Analysis of Shona Sexual Expressions - Pauline Mateveke * 9. Feminism: How Women in Uganda are Shaping the Way we Think about Sex and Politics - Prince Karakire Guma * 10. HIV-Positive Women ‘Virgins’: The Complexities of Discourse on Issues of Sex and Sexuality in Zimbabwe - Molly Manyonganise * 11. Sexual Health Promotion in Tanzania: Narratives on Young People’s Intimate Relationships - Claire Coultas
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