Buch Monografie

Multiple injustices : indigenous women, law, and political struggle in Latin America

Tucson: The University of Arizona Press , [2016] , 330 S.

Weitere Informationen

Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Hernández Castillo, Rosalva Aída
Schriftenreihe: Critical issues in indigenous studies
Jahr: [2016]
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 0816532494
Sprache: Englisch
Hernández Castillo analyzes the context of legal pluralism wherein the indigenous women of Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia struggle for justice. Through ethnographical research in community, state, and international justice, she reflects on the possibilities and limitations of customary, national, and international law for indigenous women. Colonialism, racism, and patriarchal violence have been fundamental elements for the reproduction of capitalism, Hernández Castillo asserts. Only a social policy that offers economic alternatives based on distribution of wealth and a real recognition of cultural and political rights of indigenous peoples can counter the damage of outside forces such as drug cartels on indigenous lands. She concludes that the theories of indigenous women on culture, tradition, and gender equity - as expressed in political documents, event reports, public discourse, and their intellectual writings - are key factors in the decolonization of Latin American feminisms and social justice for all. Draws together over two decades of research by the author into activism and legal pluralism as practiced and understood by Indigenous women in Latin American countries, analyzing the struggles of indigenous women in Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia to secure justice and equal rights. The ethnographic approach taken in the book analyzes activism and legal pluralism at the local, state, and international scales and synthesizes the author's experiences interacting with activists at those different levels. The manuscript draws on critical discourse and feminist theories to address the tensions and struggles indigenous women activists face in Latin America
Literaturverzeichnis: Seite [295]-322
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