Buch Monografie

Researching sex and sexualities

Verfasst von: Morris, Charlotte [weitere]
London: Zed , 2018 , 375 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Morris, Charlotte; Boyce, Paul; Cornwall, Andrea; Frith, Hannah; Harvey, Laura
Jahr: 2018
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 1786993198
Sprache: Englisch
Sexuality is a complex and multifaceted domain – encompassing bodily, contextual and subjective experiences that resist ready categorisation. To claim the sexual as a viable research object therefore raises a number of important methodological questions: what is it possible to know about experiences, practices and perceptions of sex and sexualities? What approaches might help or hinder our efforts to probe such experiences? This collection explores the creative, personal and contextual parameters involved in researching sexuality, cutting across disciplinary boundaries and drawing on case studies from a variety of countries and contexts. Combining a wide range of expertise, its contributors address such key areas as pornography, sex work, intersectionality and LGBT perspectives. The contributors also share their own experiences of researching sexuality within contrasting disciplines, as well as interrogating how the sexual identities of researchers themselves can relate to, and inform, their work. The result is a unique and diverse collection that combines practical insights on field work with novel theoretical reflections. Editorial Introduction - Paul Boyce, Charlotte Morris and Andrea Cornwall *** Introduction - Paul Boyce *** 1. The Insinuating Body - Cara Judea Alhadeff *** 2. Making Sense of Ambiguity: Theory and Method - Eva Cheuk-Yin Li *** 3. Can Quantitative Applied Sexual Health Research Be Critical and Feminist? Towards a Critical Social Epidemiology to Support Targeted STI Testing and Contraception in Primary Care - Natalie Edelman *** 4. Sex Shop Stories: Shifting Disciplines in Design Research - Fran Carter *** Introduction - Laura Harvey *** 5. Body Mapping, Stories and the Sexual Rights of Older People - Catherine Barrett *** 6. Patchworking: Using Creative Methodologies in Sex and Sexualities Research - Catherine Vulliamy *** 7. Dirty Talk: On Using Poetry in Pornography Research - P.J. Macleod *** 8. The Cover Version: Researching Sexuality through Ventriloquism - E. McGeeney, L. Robinson, R. Thomson and P. Thurschwell *** Introduction - Yingying Huang *** 9. Hesitating at the Door: Youth-led Research on Realising Sexual Rights Informing Organisational Approaches - Vicky Johnson *** 10. Sexuality Research ‘In Translation’: First-time Fieldwork in Brazil - Natalie Day *** 11. The Contingency of the Contact: An Interpretive Re-positioning through the Erotic Dynamics in the Field - Alba Barbé i Serra *** 12. Sangli Stories: Researching Indian Sex Workers’ Intimate Lives - Andrea Cornwall *** Introduction - Hannah Frith *** 13. Rotten Girl on Rotten Girl: Boys’ Love ‘Research’ - Anna Madill *** 14. Diary of a Sex Researcher: A Reflexive Look at Conducting Sexuality Research in Residential Aged Care - Katherine Radoslovich *** 15. Mum’s the Word: Heterosexual Single Mothers Talking (Or Not) About Sex - Charlotte Morris *** 16. Sex and the Anthropologist: From BDSM to Sex Education, An Embodied Experience - Nicoletta Landi *** Appendix: An Interview with Ken Plummer - Charlotte Morrisntity by Inshah Malik
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