Buch Monografie

Spirit, structure, and flesh : gendered experiences in African Instituted Churches among the Yoruba of Nigeria

Verfasst von: Crumbley, Deidre Helen
Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press , 2008 , 180 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Crumbley, Deidre Helen
Schriftenreihe: Africa and the diaspora
Jahr: 2008
Maße: 23cm
ISBN: 0299229106
Sprache: Englisch
How does having a female body affect ones experience of indigenized Christianity in Africa? Spirit, Structure, and Flesh addresses this question by exploring the ways ritual, symbol, and dogma circumscribe, constrain, and liberate women in AICs. Through detailed description of worship and doctrine, as well as careful analyses of church history and organizational processes, Deidre Helen Crumbley explores gendered experiences of faith and power in three Nigerian indigenous AICs, demonstrating the roles of women in the day-to-day life of these churches.
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