
Die Abtreibung der Schwangeren oder das entopferte Opfer

in: Körper - Geschlecht - Geschichte
Innsbruck ; Wien: 1996 , 181 - 194 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Treusch-Dieter, Gerburg info
In: Körper - Geschlecht - Geschichte
Jahr: 1996
Sprache: Deutsch
The German Constitutional Court judgment of May 1993 against the right of abortion on social grounds is analysed. The basis of this judgment and its explanation are set in the context of the present epochmaking changes, for which recombinative DNA and the production of life outside the female body serve as indices. From both of these it follows that the "nuclei" of marriage and family have been surrendered to technologization and taken out of the hands of the State in favor of the medical-industrial complex, against which the State raises its objections in as far as it is the legitimizing authority. This judgment represents a dual discourse, the consequence of which is the replacement of the "born" with the "unborn" life. In the form of the human genome this acquires the status of a prospective legal subject within a new advisory directive represented ba State-accredited doctors, who, in place of the pregnant woman, will decide the obligations of carrying to full term or abortion according to whether the genome is "worthy" or has anything to abort, remains subject to an irrevocable ban, the breaking of which entails the loss of her citizen's rights. In connection, however, with the fact that the "unborn" life precedes "born" life, and that its genome will decide on whether it is carried to term or aborted, in this respect citizen's rights are shifted in the direction of genetic life-values, which in future apply to all "born" individuals, since nobody fulfilling the conditions of an "unworthy" genome will see the light of day.
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