
"Tolle, tobende Weiber" : die ersten Wiener Irren-Anstalten und das "andere" Geschlecht

Verfasst von: Mixa, Elisabeth
in: Körper - Geschlecht - Geschichte
Innsbruck ; Wien: 1996 , 96 - 115 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Mixa, Elisabeth
In: Körper - Geschlecht - Geschichte
Jahr: 1996
Sprache: Deutsch
Only in as far as insanity materializes and frees itself from its cosmic, sacred connections, is it manifested, in the first instance, in its animal mask, as anti-nature. The separate lunatic asylums established towards the end of the 18th century offer the basis for new insight: post-mortem records and patient histories indicate a narrowing down, differentiation and the formation of new connections. The female sex is the central focus, the menstrual cycle providing information about the abnormal and (later) the differently behaved. Gender as a classification category in asylums presents the conditions of, and some theses on asylum psychiatry in the mid-19th century.
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