
Feminism and the postmodern: theory's romance

Verfasst von: Elam, Diane
in: The feminist reader
Basingstoke [u.a.]: 1997 , 182 - 200 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Elam, Diane
In: The feminist reader
Jahr: 1997
Sprache: Englisch
The extract reprinted here from Elam's book argues for a rereading of roamnce as a postmodern genre. Maintaining that the seductive rhetoric of romance is postmodern in so far as it exceeds any essentialist notion of sexual or historical truth, Elam goes on to show how Kathy Acker's and Jacques Derrida's postmodern romances subvert the Enlightenment project of arresting the play of the signifier and mastering the truth of sexual difference
Literaturangaben. - Aus: Romancing the postmodern, London 1992
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