
Gender, relation, and difference in psychoanalytic perspective

Verfasst von: Chodorow, Nancy Julia
in: Feminist social thought
New York: 1997 , 8 - 20 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Chodorow, Nancy Julia
In: Feminist social thought
Jahr: 1997
Sprache: Englisch
Chodorow denies that there is an essential difference between women and men. Gender difference is not determined by biology and is not immutable. It must be understood as a "relational construction." For Chodorow, the key to understanding gender difference is the process of "separation-individuation" - the process through which an infant who is cognitively and emotionally fused with its mother comes to understand itself as a distinct individual. Using a psychoanalytic approach to individual development - specifically, an object relations approach - Chodorow argues that one's sense of identity, agency, and authenticity arises as a result of internalizing early nurturing relationships and does not require sharp self-other distinctions. But issues about individual differentiation and identity have become intertwined with issues about gender identity. Masculinity is linked to independence and individualism, whereas femininity is linked to intimacy and emotional ties to other people. Unfortunately, masculine identity is less secure for boys and men than feminine identity is for girls and women. This asymmetry arises because mothers or other women are primarily responsible for childcare and, as a result, boys must gain their gender identity by negating femininity rahter than by positively identifying with a masculine figure. Since men who are raised by women are defensive about their gender identity and have the power to define social norms, identity, agency, and authenticity have come to be equated with isolation from others and with individual control. In contrast, Chodorow advocates a relational account of identity, agency, and authenticity that would enable people to be more tolerant of difference. (D.T.M.)
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