
Is male gender identity the cause of male domination?

in: Feminist social thought
New York: 1997 , 22 - 37 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Young, Iris Marion info
In: Feminist social thought
Jahr: 1997
Sprache: Englisch
Young raises the question of whether gender differentiation can account for male domination, and she argues that it cannot. Examining the work of Nancy Chodorow, Nancy Hartsock, and Sandra Harding, Young claims that all of these theorists hold that masculine personalities lead to social structures that institutionalize women's subordination and also that the hierarchical duality in which masculinity is privileged over femininity establishes a pattern of thought and action that is replicated in race, class, heterosexist, and other forms of social domination and subordination. According to Young, gender differentiation concerns individual psychology, individual experience, and cultural categorization, whereas male domination concerns institutions that determine structural relations between women and men. Psychoanalysis does a good job of accounting for gendered symbolic relations, but it overpsychologizes male dominance and neglects concrete power relations. There could be a gender-differentiated society that was not male-dominated. To account for male domination, then, feminists need an account of the causes and reproduction of social structures that do not originate in gendered psychology, gendered experience, or gendered cultural categories. Feminists must examine the way in which society's institutions are organized - the lines of power and authority they establish and the ways in which goods and services are rpduced and distributed. Feminists must develop historically and culturally specific theories that pay attention to concrete material conditions and that acknowledge the complexity of social causation. Attempting to change gender relations through coparenting will not suffice to overcome male dominance. (D.T.M.)
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