
On conceiving motherhood and sexuality : a feminist materialist approach

Verfasst von: Ferguson, Ann
in: Feminist social thought
New York: 1997 , 39 - 63 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Ferguson, Ann
In: Feminist social thought
Jahr: 1997
Sprache: Englisch
Aiming to provide a "general paradigm of the cross-cultural persistence of male domination", Ferguson begins by pointing out two universal facts: 1) most women are able to conceive and give birth to a baby, and 2) most women were raised by a same-sex parent, that is, by their mothers or other women. These differences between women and men with respect to biological capacity and childhood socialization entail differences with respect to parenting and sexuality. Moreover, since differences with respect to parenting and sexuality are linked to differences in power, they provide a key to understanding male dominance. But since the particulars of these differences vary culturally and historically, Ferguson believes that this conceptual framework does not commit feminists to a false or static universalism. A socialist feminist, Ferguson denies that there is one fundamental form of social domination and maintains that each form of domination has its own logic. In the case of gender domination, the key to this logic is sex/affective production - that is, the production and reproduction of people in families and kinship netweorks through sexuality, nurturance, and affection. In the nuclear family, a sex/affective triangle between the father, the mother, and the child leads to contradictory interests for women - conflicts between mother-child ties and mother-father ties. As a result, women develop a double-consciousness that both facilitates their internalization of male dominace and opens up the possibility of their resisting male dominance. Ferguson illustrates her view by applying it to three periods of U.S. history and their respective forms of patriarchy. (D.T.M.)
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