
Glancing at pornography : recognizing men

Verfasst von: Mann, Patricia S.
in: Feminist social thought
New York: 1997 , 416 - 439 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Mann, Patricia S.
In: Feminist social thought
Jahr: 1997
Sprache: Englisch
The male gaze sexually objectifies women, and pornography eroticizes male domination. Yet, feminists are sharply divided over the question of pornography. Is it a violation of women's civil rights that should be suppressed? Or is it a permissible, possibly liberating form of expression? Mann situates this debate in the context of the issue of women's agency, and she argues that the prevalence of pornography does not forclose feminist critique and action. (D.T.M.)
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