
In a different voice : women's conceptions of self and of morality

Verfasst von: Gilligan, Carol info
in: Feminist social thought
New York: 1997 , 549 - 582 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Gilligan, Carol info
In: Feminist social thought
Jahr: 1997
Sprache: Englisch
Throughout Western history, many philosophers, psychologists, and other thinkers have maintained that women's moral capacities are inferior to men's. They have claimed that women's virtues are less exalted than men's or that women are less principled than men. Doubting that women are morally inferior, psychologist Carol Gilligan sets out to demonstrate that there are two trajectories of moral development - the justice track, which is followed by many males and some females, and the care track, which is followed by some females. In this essay, Gilligan describes the process of development within the care perspective. (D.T.M.)
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