
Beyond caring : the de-moralization of gender

Verfasst von: Friedman, Marilyn
in: Feminist social thought
New York: 1997 , 665 - 679 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Friedman, Marilyn
In: Feminist social thought
Jahr: 1997
Sprache: Englisch
Friedman stakes out a complex position regarding the ethic of care. She points out that Gilligan's claim that differences in moral thinking are linked to gender difference has generated intense controversy in the social sciences. Yet many people find Gilligan's hypothesis intuitively plausible based on their personal experience. Friedman offers an explanation of why people beleieve that women use the ethic of care and men use the ethic of justice, regardless of whether rigorous empirical research bears out this gender difference. (D. T. M.)
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