
Trends in gender stratification : 1970-1985

Verfasst von: Huber, Joan
in: Feminist foundations
Thousand Oaks: 1998 , 83 - 101 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Huber, Joan
In: Feminist foundations
Jahr: 1998
Sprache: Englisch
This paper addresses causes and consequences of sociological interest in gender stratification after 1970. The most recent women's movement spurred empirical research on the topic but development of a general theory was slowed by accidents of disciplinary history. A theory of preindustrial gender stratification that leans on anthropology is therefore used to interpret trends that occur during industrialization. This analysis helps to explain why trends in mortality, education, fertility, women's labor force participation, and men's household participation should continue to improve women's status relative to the status of men.
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