
"Die Macht der Verhältnisse" : Judentum, Ehre und Geschlechterdifferenz im frühen 19. Jahrhundert

Verfasst von: Ott, Michael
in: Differenzen in der Geschlechterdifferenz
Berlin: 1999 , 249 - 263 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Ott, Michael
In: Differenzen in der Geschlechterdifferenz
Jahr: 1999
Sprache: Deutsch
This essay discusses the relationship of differences of "gender" and "ethnicity" taking the example of the discourses of gender and of Jewishness in early 19th century Germany. Focussing on the notion of "honour" as a fundamental concept of social identity, this paper investigates the scandalous confrontation between Achim von Arnim and Moritz Itzig - one gentile, one Jew - as well as two literary texts referring to this incident. The performative construction of gender and "ethnic" identity through the social ritual of the duel (or rather through exclusion from this ritual of recognition) provesto be of central importance here. The literary re-writings of this function evidence the "naturalisation" of norms of cultural identity as well as the ensuing mechanisms of rejection and exclusion of discursive power.
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