
The need of an intergender contract in overlapping generations (OLG) models

Verfasst von: Behrens, Doris A. [weitere]
in: Exchange and deception
Boston: 2002 , 91 - 103 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Behrens, Doris A.; Haber, Gottfried; Richter, Christian; Schönpflug, Karin
In: Exchange and deception
Jahr: 2002
Sprache: Englisch
This paper extends Paul A. Samuelson's 1958 article "An exact consumption-loan model of interest with or without the social contrivance of money" which introduced an intertemporal overlapping generations (OLG) model of a pure loan-consumption economy. From today's perspective and from a feminist viewpoint, two features missing in Samuelson's model are (1) the failure to acknowledge the existence of unpaid labor in the background of the clasical OLG model and its extensions, and (2) the fact that the model outcome implicitly depends on the unexplaines "reproduction work" (of women) to make all described intergenerational exchange possible. Adopting an empiristic point of view, we aim at improving the existing OLG model set-up in a call for gender equality and motivate the construction of a formalization of the exchange patterns between women and men.
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