
Mediale Weiblichkeit und weibliche Künste : zu Cindy Shermans Fotoserien

Verfasst von: Schade, Sigrid
in: Amerikastudien
Heidelberg: 1992 , 471 - 486 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Schade, Sigrid
In: Amerikastudien
Jahr: 1992
Sprache: Deutsch
Parallel to a shift in feminist theories towards a reevaluation of the psycho-social construction of sexual difference with the help of psychoanalysis and deconstruction, contemporary women artists experiment with the traditional gender representations. Cindy Sherman's photographs show the "inner nature" of ideas on feminity which are bound to the mass media like film, advertisement etc. While playing with this material she succeeds in making the observer suspicious of concepts of "natural" female or male bodies. The body always is a construction within specific geographical and cultural discourses. Art (or other representations) is part of them.
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