
Give us this day : Dutch immigrant women in two protestant denominations, 1880-1920

Verfasst von: Sinke, Suzanne Marie
in: Amerikastudien
Heidelberg: 1993 , 425 - 439 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Sinke, Suzanne Marie
In: Amerikastudien
Jahr: 1993
Sprache: Englisch
This case study examines the roles and images of women in two protestant churches of Dutch immigrants in the USA at the turn of the century. The examination of consistory records reveals the differences and similarities between the Christian Reformed Chruch and the Reformed Church in four areas concerning moral and social issues: premarital sex, widowhood, marital strife, and divorce. Despite a nearly identical hierarchical set-up, the Christian Reformed Chruch tried to apply a stricter moral code than the Reformed Chruch. However, in both cases the dual role of the churches as care-giver and disciplinarian is exemplified. Finally, the influences of the surrounding "Yankee" society on the clos-knit Dutch communities are discussed.
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