
Gender studies and cultural studies : whose gender? - whose culture(s)?

Verfasst von: Ecker, Gisela
in: Amerikastudien
Heidelberg: 1996 , 181 - 193 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Ecker, Gisela
In: Amerikastudien
Jahr: 1996
Sprache: Englisch
This article attempts to survey current debates on both the content and institutionalization of Women's Studies and Gender studies and to address the implications of present calls for Gender studies at German universities. The advantages of Gender Studies lie in its more accurate name, including both men and women. To be more than just a "convenient catch-all term," though, subject and theme but also as a site of negation and denial. With regard to both Women's Stuides and Gender Studies, however, we must be aware that any single issue orientation might be problematic, so that both issues of gender and feminist inquiry might take their places within the field of Cultural Studies
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