
Engendering American studies, or, What are "resisting readers" resisting?

Verfasst von: Hof, Renate
in: Amerikastudien
Heidelberg: 1996 , 195 - 205 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Hof, Renate
In: Amerikastudien
Jahr: 1996
Sprache: Englisch
As a general critique of universalizing theories, the concept of gender involves both a reorganization of the production of knowledge about culture and a rethinking of the critic's relation to culture. Thus, this essay explores the notion of resistance in a twofold manner: feminist theory as a form of resistance to the traditional production of knowlege and resistance as the response to this critique by those whose authority is being questioned. As such, it might help us to understand why - as Virginia Woolf once wondered in "A Room of one's own" - the history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emanicpation itself
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