
Tensions between feminist and gender studies: the capitalist subtext

Verfasst von: Leverenz, David
in: Amerikastudien
Heidelberg: 1996 , 217 - 237 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Leverenz, David
In: Amerikastudien
Jahr: 1996
Sprache: Englisch
As feminism has gained entitlement in the academic marketplace, a shift to gender studies has highlighted a symbiosis between desire and powerlessness, or lack. Where did anger go? Why has performativity replaced sisterhood? Why has compulsory heterosexuality replced patriarchy as the enemy? To explore how power seems intimate yet alien to various feminists, this essay considers some recent hteorists, particularly Judith Butler. Her argument for performativity reflects the staginess and self-detachment long associated with men in the public sphere. Conversely, white middle-class academic men are experiencing a sense of loss - not of collective power but of presumptive inward prop, the patriarchal imaginary, which can no longer support persistent patriarchal rhetoric and behavior. Capitalist dynamics have perpetuated men's relatively greater access to power, while undermining a traditional patriarchal binary based on physical difference and domestic suboridination. the second half of this essay discusses several modes of contemporary remasculinization, among them my own temporary obsession with TV football, two speeches of Dan Quayle and louis Farrakhan, and the fetishization of guns
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